Congrats, you found it, my AnimationMentor Blog!
I start in little less than a month, Sept. 27, and I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself. Tuition is in, webcam is mounted, sketchbook is purchased, and required books are acquired. All that's left to do is to pray for the 27 to get here, which can't happen fast enough.
I've already logged in and met some of the students that are in my term via web-chat sessions. All of us are literally geeked out of our skulls! I'm gonna try and post at least once a week while I'm enrolled in AnimationMentor, cataloging my progress from week to week, and class to class. Posting my homework that I send in, videos and drawings, and voicing opinions of how the term is going.
So be sure to tag in from time to time and see what's goin' down.
See ya around the campus!
Woo Geek out!